Arab World

UAE Among the World's Top 20 in 12 Competitiveness Indicators Related to Social Development and Quality of Life

UAE Among the World's Top 20 in 12 Competitiveness Indicators Related to Social Development and Quality of Life

Three international references specialized in monitoring global competitiveness indicators have ranked the UAE among the top 20 countries worldwide in 12 indicators related to social development and quality of life in 2020. The monitoring conducted by the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Center on reports from these international references shows that the UAE ranked first globally in four indicators. These included the low number of people living in poverty across various levels, as reported by the Legatum Institute in the 2020 Prosperity Index report.

The UAE also ranked first globally in the low cost of living, according to the Global Competitiveness Yearbook 2020 issued by the International Institute for Management Development, which placed the UAE second in the number of elderly people receiving state care. The UAE was ranked fourth globally in poverty rates at the national poverty line, based on the 2020 Prosperity Index report also issued by the Legatum Institute, which classified the UAE 13th globally in the charity donations indicator.

In terms of quality of life, the UAE was ranked 15th according to the Global Competitiveness Yearbook and similarly in the Global Talent Report published by the International Institute for Management Development. The country was also ranked 15th globally in the social mobility sector, as recorded by the Global Talent Competitiveness Index report issued by INSEAD. The UAE came in 17th in the adjusted Gini coefficient based on the highest income, according to the Sustainable Development Goals Index report published by the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

This competitive achievement, which places the UAE among the top 20 in 12 indicators, aligns closely with the objectives of the National Quality of Life Strategy 2031 and is being executed under Vision 2021, reflecting ambitions for the UAE Centennial 2071. It is noteworthy that the National Quality of Life Strategy, adopted in June 2019, prioritized making the UAE a global leader in the quality of life field and enhancing its position to be a pioneer globally in the comprehensive concept of integrated quality of life.

International institutions specializing in monitoring quality of life mechanisms and documenting their results have recorded the UAE's distinguished position, supported by a national council for quality of life and a national observatory aimed at supporting decision-making, policy development, and implementing training programs backed by an academy serving future generations.

In the institutional celebration of the happiness nation, the federal government established March 20 of each year for reviewing and enhancing the achievements of the community happiness strategy across all its segments, monitoring these with precision and objectivity.

The latest national survey on happiness and quality of life, launched by the Ministry of Community Development and the Quality of Life Council, indicated that 93% of the UAE's residents feel satisfied and proud to live in the UAE. The survey also revealed that 82% are satisfied with government services, while 92% feel safe walking alone at night. Additionally, 84% expressed confidence in their family relationships, and 80% of the state's residents live purposeful lives and are optimistic about the future.

At the beginning of this year, the Council of Ministers approved the "National Digital Quality of Life Policy," aligning with the UAE Centennial 2071 in its strategic objectives, ensuring full participation in equipping society with skills, knowledge, and behaviors that respond to rapid changes and create the future from a position of confidence and a positive identity with meaningful digital interaction.

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