
Two Dead After Person Falls from Height of Seven Floors onto Spectators at a Concert Hall

Two Dead After Person Falls from Height of Seven Floors onto Spectators at a Concert Hall

Two people were killed and a woman injured on Tuesday in a concert hall in Uppsala, near the Swedish capital Stockholm, after someone fell from a height of seven floors in the open courtyard of the building and struck two spectators, according to police reports. About a thousand spectators were present in the "Uppsala Concert and Congress" hall, a modern building that was set to host a tribute concert for the famous Swedish band "ABBA." Police spokesperson Magnus Jansson Clarin told AFP, "We received a call about a person who either jumped or fell from a high place inside the concert hall in central Uppsala."

The main hall at the venue features an open area where this approximately eighty-year-old individual fell, landing on two other individuals. This resulted in the deaths of two people: the man who fell and one of the spectators he struck, a man in his sixties, as well as injuring a woman in her sixties. Police indicated that the injured woman's life is not in danger, without providing further details about the victims.

The incident occurred just before 7 PM (18:00 GMT) as spectators were arriving. The concert, scheduled to begin at 7:30 PM, was canceled following the incident. Later, police noted that there was no current reason to believe that there was any crime behind the man's fall.

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