
How Samsung Will Prevent You from Being Stalked via Smart Tags

How Samsung Will Prevent You from Being Stalked via Smart Tags

Samsung is working to ensure that individuals cannot stalk you using its Galaxy SmartTags by introducing a new feature designed to search for any unknown SmartTags in the vicinity. This way, no one can place a SmartTag in your bag and track your location and activities throughout the day. Samsung states that this anti-stalking feature must be activated manually, and anyone can place a SmartTag on you at any time during the day, requiring you to continuously check manually to confirm that they have not done so. This assumes you remember to do so or are aware that you might be tracked.

Meanwhile, the beta version of iOS 14.5 has already revealed that Apple’s anti-stalking system, which detects unknown AirTags that remain nearby for too long, will be entirely automatic. A potential stalker can only track you accurately if the SmartTag is capable of using your device to relay information, according to the British newspaper Express.

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