
Tips for Eating in Hot Weather

Tips for Eating in Hot Weather

Dr. Andrei Tiagelnikov, the chief expert in primary healthcare at the Moscow Ministry of Health, announced that in hot weather, one should drink plenty of water and consume vegetables and fruits while avoiding heavy foods. The expert mentioned in an interview with the Russian news agency Novosti, "It is essential to control the body's salt-water balance in hot weather. Because the body loses a lot of water through sweating, this leads to dehydration. Therefore, it is better to drink plenty of water—but not all at once—rather in small sips to avoid burdening the kidneys. Natural water is preferable over sweetened or carbonated drinks. It is also not recommended to consume too much coffee, as it acts as a diuretic."

The expert also noted that consuming alcoholic beverages in the sunlight can lead to serious health complications, as it disrupts thermal regulation and places stress on the heart and blood vessels. He advises, "The content of meals should be adjusted in hot weather. This means avoiding heavy foods and instead increasing the intake of vegetables, fruits, sour dairy products, and salads, while it is preferable not to eat hot foods."

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