Strong Explosion West of Tehran

Iran's state television reported on Friday that a large explosion was heard west of the Iranian capital. The television correspondent stated, "An unknown object exploded... There was no damage and no one was injured." The semi-official Fars news agency also noted that the sound of an explosion was heard in northern Tehran in the early hours of Saturday local time (Friday evening GMT) without providing further details. Tehran Fire Department spokesman Jalal Maleki said, "We received reports of a loud explosion in Tehran and rescue and firefighting teams were sent to the location." He added, "The cause of the explosion, which occurred north of Tehran, has not yet been revealed, and it is unclear whether an explosion actually occurred as firefighters have not seen any traces of an explosion so far."

It is worth mentioning that Iran has witnessed numerous explosions in recent months, some of which have resulted from fires in gas lines or gas stations. Last year, Iran experienced a series of explosions around sensitive facilities, including military, nuclear, and industrial sites, with the most notable being the explosion at the Natanz nuclear facility, which is considered Iran's largest uranium enrichment and centrifuge manufacturing and testing site.

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