Arab World

French Initiative Still Active... "No One Can Veto Anyone"

French Initiative Still Active...

Paris remains actively involved with the Lebanese government, sending repeated messages and advice to the parties involved in the formation of the government, urging them to quickly reach an agreement. This was emphasized by the French ambassador to Lebanon, Anne Grillo, during her meetings with officials, the latest being with President Michel Aoun yesterday, according to the newspaper "Al-Jumhuriya."

Accompanying the French ambassador's efforts in Lebanon are sentiments conveyed by diplomatic sources from the French capital, expressing concern over the current situation in Lebanon. They do not understand why some parties in Lebanon would attribute the delay in government formation to a non-existent external factor. From the perspective of various French levels, the delay in forming the government is regarded as artificially and deliberately orchestrated by some parties in Lebanon. Within this context, they have sent messages to everyone to pave the way for the formation of a government headed by Saad Hariri, which would implement a rescue plan in line with the French initiative, especially as Lebanon's situation continues to deteriorate and complicate further with each additional delay in government formation.

French confirmation of a government led by Hariri, as sources indicate, signals a clear message from the Élysée in response to rumors circulating in Beirut that the President is vetoing Hariri and opposed to forming a government under his leadership. The French have confirmed, through their channels, that the French initiative is still active, with its essence consisting of rescue measures for Lebanon and a pivotal government led by Saad Hariri. Therefore, no one can impose a veto on anyone.

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