Iran Reveals Identity of Natanza Blast Suspect

Iranian television broadcasted a photo today, Saturday, of the individual involved in the attack on the Natanz nuclear facility, indicating that he is named Reza Karimi, is of Iranian nationality, and is 43 years old. The Iranian television also showed images from the Natanz facility that was attacked last week, which do not show any signs of damage but instead display the centrifugal machines in the facility. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh stated last Monday that the country would respond to Israel at the appropriate time and place regarding the Natanz attack, noting that the incident could have led to a catastrophe and a crime against humanity had it resulted in radioactive contamination. Israeli public radio reported, citing intelligence sources, that the Mossad was behind the Natanz incident. The spokesman for the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization, Behrouz Kamalvandi, confirmed that the electricity distribution network at the Natanz facility experienced an incident early Sunday, while the head of the organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, stated that the incident was caused by foul play, describing it as a "shameful act and condemned nuclear terrorism."

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