
Fiercest Clashes between Ahmad Massoud's Forces and the Taliban Since the U.S. Withdrawal

Fiercest Clashes between Ahmad Massoud's Forces and the Taliban Since the U.S. Withdrawal

Ahmad Massoud's forces reported on Wednesday that the Taliban attacked Panjshir, but local forces repelled the assault, resulting in the deaths of many Taliban members and the arrest of 19 other militants. The clashes between Ahmad Massoud's forces and the Taliban are the most intense since the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. A member of the resistance front in Panjshir announced on Tuesday that 7 Taliban members were killed and others were injured in an attack by the movement.

Ahmad Massoud, the leader of the Afghan Resistance Front based in Panjshir, stated that he would halt his activities and withdraw from politics if the Taliban established an inclusive government and guaranteed freedom and equality among citizens. In an interview with Foreign Policy, Massoud clarified that "if the Taliban intends to share power with everyone, establish justice, and grant equality and freedom to all in Afghanistan, I will then retreat and withdraw from politics."

Simultaneously, U.S. President Joe Biden reiterated on Tuesday the United States' commitment to continue supporting the Afghan people through diplomacy and humanitarian aid. Biden added in a tweet that the U.S. will continue to defend the fundamental rights of the Afghan people, especially women and girls. He emphasized that his role is to defend the United States against threats, and that the security and safety of his country will not be enhanced by deploying thousands of American soldiers in Afghanistan.

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