
Title: Expert Warns of Unpredictable Evolution of Coronavirus

Title: Expert Warns of Unpredictable Evolution of Coronavirus

A British expert has warned of the emergence of "super mutations" of the new coronavirus, stating that it is evolving continuously in an unpredictable manner. Ravi Gupta, a professor of clinical microbiology at the University of Cambridge, indicated that despite a large number of people around the world receiving vaccines against the disease, the virus will continue to attempt to adapt. He emphasized that COVID-19 is evolving persistently and unpredictably, stressing that we should not be overly confident that we are fully protected against it at any stage, as reported by the Arabic website from the British newspaper "The Independent."

He pointed out that the mutations the virus has undergone are just the beginning and believes that we will see super mutations in the future, as increasing pressure on the virus and the development of more vaccines will compel it to adapt in any way possible. He noted that the solution to these developments lies in pressuring vaccine developers to produce new variants that align with the virus's evolving strains, so that we have solutions to prepare for the future.

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