
Title: In Alexandria: Ex-Wife Kidnaps Ex-Husband and Violates Him

Title: In Alexandria: Ex-Wife Kidnaps Ex-Husband and Violates Him

A woman named "S.H.M," a housewife in Alexandria, executed a plan described as "diabolical" to lure her ex-husband, a "civil servant," to her residence under the pretext of discussing some matters. However, during their conversation, he was surprised by the arrival of two individuals: "A.F.F," a farmer, and "K.M.M," a worker, who assaulted him, tied him up with a rope, and placed him inside a vehicle.

After the woman completed the first part of her plan with the help of the two men, they took the civil servant to a semi-deserted location, stripped him of all his clothes, and attempted to insert a wooden stick into a sensitive area of his body while recording the incident on video, according to investigations.

According to the investigations, the suspects attacked the victim with a sharp weapon (knife), stole his mobile phone, wallet, Visa card, and wristwatch, and forced him to sign promissory notes and checks. They threatened to publish the videos on social media if he reported the incident.

The events relate to case number 20349 for the year 2021, involving the police station of Dekheila, when the police received a report from "A.A.S" stating that he was kidnapped by his ex-wife and two others, assaulted, robbed, and forced to sign promissory notes while being filmed in compromising situations.

The suspects were arrested, and upon presenting them to the prosecution, it was decided to refer them to the Alexandria Criminal Court, which sentenced the three defendants to 15 years in prison and ordered them to pay court costs for the charges of kidnapping, torture, and violation of a civil servant. The ruling was issued under the presidency of Judge Mustafa Ali Amer, with the participation of Judges Ibrahim Mohamed Amin, Mustafa Mohamed Abdel Latif, and Ahmed Mohamed Ezzat.

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