
Horrific Tragedy in Egypt: Son of Prominent Businessman Kills 4 with His Car

Horrific Tragedy in Egypt: Son of Prominent Businessman Kills 4 with His Car

A horrific tragedy occurred south of the Egyptian capital on Friday, resulting in the deaths of four young men. Details reveal that a speeding car, driven by Karim El-Hawary, the son of a well-known businessman, struck another vehicle carrying four students in the Sheikh Zayed area early yesterday morning. Surveillance cameras placed near the Ahly Club in Sheikh Zayed captured the moment, confirming that the driver of the car responsible for the accident fled the scene immediately after it occurred. Authorities were able to apprehend him on Saturday.

Investigations revealed that the deceased students were identified as Youssef Sibai, Omar Hamdy, Said Hassan, and Abdullah Darwish, who all died upon arrival at the hospital. The Public Prosecutor's office disclosed that police examined the accident site and determined the cause was the first car bumping into the second from behind, leading to a spin and overturning of the second vehicle, ultimately resulting in the fatalities of those inside.

Additionally, it was stated that blood and urine samples have been requested from the suspect, who is currently in the hospital, to be sent to forensic authorities to determine if he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident. He will be interrogated as soon as it is possible to do so.

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