The American company "Rocket Lab," specialized in space science, announced that it lost one of its electronic rockets after its launch attempt failed. This comes just days after a rogue Chinese rocket captured the world’s attention by landing in the sea. The company stated on its Twitter account that the first stage of the rocket was supposed to launch as planned, but during the second stage of ignition, an unexpected event occurred: the engine shut down, causing the rocket to fail to reach its designated orbit.
The company confirmed in the tweet that the rocket was carrying two satellites belonging to a company operating in the satellite sector. Experts noted that this situation is not as concerning as that of the Chinese rocket, as the weight of the American rocket is only 500 kilograms, while the debris from the Chinese rocket weighed over 21 tons. However, the rocket remains out of control, and its landing location is unknown if the company cannot re-establish communication with it, which could result in it crashing in a populated area, similar to the Chinese rocket that alarmed humanity for more than a week.
Information about the American rocket:
1. It is an electronic rocket from the American company "Rocket Lab," specialized in space science.
2. The rocket was carrying two Earth observation satellites from the company "Play-Sky."
3. Its height is approximately that of a six-story building.
4. It was launched from the Mahia Peninsula in New Zealand at 7:11 AM on Saturday.
5. The weight of the American rocket is only 500 kilograms.