
Defense Minister: Israeli Movements Pose a Challenge and Provocation to Lebanon

Defense Minister: Israeli Movements Pose a Challenge and Provocation to Lebanon

Defense Minister Maurice Sleem stated that "the movements undertaken by Israel in the disputed area in southern Lebanon represent a challenge and provocation to Lebanon and an obvious violation of the stability enjoyed in the southern region of Lebanon." He added in a statement: "Once again, Israel disregards all international laws and norms and tries to create a fait accompli on the Lebanese borders, especially as this undermines the efforts made to resume negotiations for the demarcation of the southern maritime borders, a process in which the United States plays a mediating role, conducted under the auspices of the United Nations." Minister Sleem called on the international community and the United Nations to "act swiftly to put an end to the renewed Israeli practices and implement international resolutions to prevent any security deterioration in southern Lebanon, which would have implications for stability in the region."

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