Lunar Celebrates Anji Khoury's Release from Prison

A few days ago, the Syrian security forces arrested the Syrian Najwa Khalil Allah, who calls herself "Anji Khoury," in the vicinity of the Mezzeh area in Damascus.

This occurred after the Lebanese artist Shiraz filed a lawsuit against her, leading the Syrian public prosecutor to summon her for questioning multiple times, but she did not respond to those summonses, resulting in her arrest. The Lebanese singer Qamar surprised many when she posted a video with Anji, congratulating her on her quick release from prison. She wrote: "The girls of kindness and the pure sweet spirit ultimately win. Happy to have little Anji back." Qamar added: "Nothing will harm you when God is by your side." Perhaps Anji has been wronged in her life, but she is doing herself more wrong with these childish videos on social media.

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