
Pentagon: Aware of Tehran's Malicious Actions and Threats

Pentagon: Aware of Tehran's Malicious Actions and Threats

Under the title "Pentagon: Aware of Tehran's Malicious Actions and Threats," Al-Arabiya reported that ahead of U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's expected visit to the region tomorrow, the United States has reiterated its commitment to countering Iranian threats. Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby stated that the issue of Iran, along with its malicious actions and threats to regional security, is on the mind of all parties involved. He added in a statement, according to an Al-Arabiya/Al-Hadath correspondent on Tuesday evening, that Austin will address these topics during his bilateral meetings in the Middle East.

Additionally, it was clarified that "the defense secretary will meet with state and military leaders in the UAE and Bahrain, and he will visit U.S. forces stationed in both countries." According to the statement, Austin will participate in Bahrain in the "Manama Dialogue," which is held annually by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Iranian Threats

Meanwhile, Mira Resnick, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Regional Security, confirmed that Iran's threats aim to destabilize the region and change the game by threatening Washington's allies. She explained during a phone briefing last night that the U.S. administration continues to confront Iranian threats and is working on enhancing the defensive capabilities of regional countries, as well as addressing military competition from Russia and China.

The U.S. administration has repeatedly stated that it will spare no effort to deter Iran's destabilizing threats to the security of countries in the Middle East, along with international shipping. Meanwhile, Washington accuses Tehran of funding and arming numerous militias in several countries in the region.

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