Arab World

Continuation of Efforts to Establish an International Fact-Finding Committee to Investigate the Port Explosion...

Continuation of Efforts to Establish an International Fact-Finding Committee to Investigate the Port Explosion...

The Strong Republic Meets with Dorothy in Aoukar

Deputies of the Strong Republic Bloc continued their efforts towards the United Nations after sending a letter to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, demanding the establishment of an international fact-finding committee to investigate the port explosion on behalf of the Lebanese people.

As part of their visits to ambassadors of the permanent members of the Security Council, a delegation from the bloc visited the American embassy in Aoukar yesterday, where they met with Ambassador Dorothy Shea and some of her aides, presenting her with a copy of the memorandum that the party's deputies submitted to the UN Secretary-General. The delegation included MP George Adwan, former Minister of Foreign Relations Richard Kouyoumjian, and the party's President advisor Elie Khoury.

After conveying the greetings of the party's president, Dr. Samir Geagea, to the ambassador, the delegation explained the party's viewpoint and the content of the letter sent to the Secretary-General, highlighting the crucial reasons for establishing an international fact-finding committee that would assist in the investigation scientifically and impartially, free from political interventions that have continued to obstruct the investigation six months after the explosion.

For her part, the ambassador announced to the delegation that she would convey the deputies' position to her administration in hopes of achieving justice for the victims of the explosion and their families, as well as for all the residents of the devastated areas of Beirut. It is noteworthy that a delegation from the bloc is scheduled to visit the Russian embassy on Friday for the same purpose.

The President of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, had previously called on Lebanese President Michel Aoun and caretaker Prime Minister Hassan Diab to send an "immediate" request to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to form an international fact-finding committee regarding the Beirut port explosion. The Court of Cassation had decided to transfer the investigation file related to the Beirut port explosion from Judge Fadi Sawan to another unnamed judge, based on a request from two former ministers that Sawan had previously charged.

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