
Judge Aoun's First Statement After Raiding the "Central Bank": Has Implementing Judicial Orders Become "Folklore"?

Judge Aoun's First Statement After Raiding the

The appellate prosecutor in Mount Lebanon, Judge Ghada Aoun, tweeted: "Has implementing a judicial order become 'folklore'? Is the attempt to arrest someone accused of several crimes 'folklore'? Should the judiciary seek political permission to act on a case where evidence raises suspicion against someone? Unfortunately, some may describe this as folklore because in Lebanon, it is impossible to hold accountable those who contributed to the country's collapse if they are influential, especially if their prosecution will open many files.

If this is the logic, it would be better for the judiciary to retire, as it is impossible for a judge to act in good conscience in such a situation—to hold accountable someone who steals a bicycle while ignoring those who steal a country. Is this what the Lebanese people aspire for: to elevate the rule of law above any offender, regardless of their stature?"

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