
Twitter Faces Restrictions in Russia After Facebook's Encirclement

Twitter Faces Restrictions in Russia After Facebook's Encirclement

On Saturday, Twitter stated that it is aware of restrictions being imposed on access to its social media platform for some individuals in Russia, confirming its efforts to keep the site safe and accessible. This announcement from Twitter comes as Moscow announced on Friday that it had partially restricted access to Facebook, owned by Meta Platforms, accusing it of imposing "censorship" on Russian media.

Russian authorities partially restricted access to Facebook a day after the country started its invasion of neighboring Ukraine, amid Western condemnation. It was not immediately clear what the specifics of Russia's restrictions on Facebook would be, as the platform has been accused of being biased towards Western parties. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have been accused of imposing strict censorship on content that promotes the Russian viewpoint or anti-Western ideas.

Meanwhile, Twitter did not immediately respond to a question about whether Russia had contacted the company regarding any actions. On Saturday, the Russian military received orders to expand its offensive in Ukraine despite growing international condemnation, affirming that Kyiv had refused to negotiate. The Ministry of Defense stated, "Today, all units received orders to expand the attack in all directions, in accordance with the attack plan."

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