
Europe Marked Dark Red in COVID-19 Spread Classification

Europe Marked Dark Red in COVID-19 Spread Classification

The updated map from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shows that most of Europe is dark red. The only areas not marked in red or dark red are Romania, three regions in Italy, and some overseas territories. This classification applies to regions where more than 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants have been reported in the past two weeks. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control publishes its weekly European map based on the number of infections and the percentage of positive tests over the last 14 days. The map features four colors: green, orange, red, and dark red.

Green indicates areas where the infection rate (number of new cases per 100,000 people over 14 days) is below 50, with a positivity rate of less than 4%, or where the infection rate is below 75 but the positivity rate is less than 1%. Red is used in two scenarios: when the infection rate is between 75 and 200 with a positivity rate above 4%, or when the rate is between 200 and 500, regardless of the positivity rate. Belgium remains dark red, along with most other countries and regions in Europe, with Romania being the only exception marked in green.

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