
Title: "State Security Raids Salameh's Home; Aoun Searches for Him at the Central Bank but Fails to Find Him"


State Security forces raided the home of Lebanon's central bank governor in Rabieh after receiving information about his presence there; however, they left as he was not there. They then moved to the Central Bank to carry out a raid in search of him, but the on-duty judge at the Beirut Appeals Public Prosecutor's Office, Raja Hamouch, refused to grant permission for State Security agents to enter the Central Bank. After Judge Ghada Aoun arrived at the location, she entered the bank and searched for Salameh but did not find him. She then exited, announcing that Judge Raja Hamouch had given the order to clear the area. MTV reported that Salameh was in his office at the Central Bank, but Judge Ghada Aoun was unable to reach him.

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