
Pope Francis Sends Message to Iraqis Ahead of Anticipated Visit

Pope Francis Sends Message to Iraqis Ahead of Anticipated Visit

Pope Francis called on the Iraqi people, in a message on Wednesday, to strengthen bonds of brotherhood and build a future marked by peace, as he is set to visit the country soon.

The text of the Pope's message reads: "Dear brothers and sisters in Iraq, I will finally be among you in just a few days. I long to meet you, see your faces, and visit your land, the cradle of ancient and remarkable civilization. I come to you as a penitent pilgrim to seek from the Lord forgiveness and reconciliation after years of war and terrorism, and to ask God for consolation for hearts and healing for wounds." He added, "I come to you as a pilgrim yearning for peace to repeat: 'You are all brothers.' Indeed, I come to you as a pilgrim yearning for peace, seeking brotherhood, driven by the desire that we pray together and walk together, along with brothers and sisters from other religious traditions as well, under the banner of our father Abraham, who unites Muslims, Jews, and Christians in one family."

He said: "Dear Christian brothers and sisters who have witnessed to your faith in Jesus amidst extreme trials, I eagerly await to see you. It is an honor for me to meet a church distinguished by its witness: thank you for your testimony. May the many martyrs you have known help us to persevere in the power of humble love. I still see in your eyes the images of destroyed homes and desecrated churches, and in your hearts the wounds of separation from loved ones and leaving behind your homes."

He continued: "I would like to carry to you the embrace of the entire church filled with tenderness, the church that is close to you and to the suffering Middle East, and to encourage you to move forward. Do not let the horrific suffering you have endured, which pains me deeply, triumph. Do not yield in the face of the spread of evil, for the ancient sources of wisdom in your land guide us to choose another path, to do as Abraham did, who, while leaving everything behind, never lost hope, but placed his trust in God and became the father of a lineage as numerous as the stars in the sky."

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