Arab World

226 Injured Among Military and Civilians Due to Tripoli Protests

226 Injured Among Military and Civilians Due to Tripoli Protests

The intensity of the clashes in Tripoli between a number of protesters and riot control forces, as well as units of the Lebanese army, has decreased.

The National News Agency reported that the confrontations in Tripoli have subsided, noting that security forces are working to chase the protesters back into the deeper neighborhoods, particularly towards Al-Hurriya Street. The agency mentioned that the army has deployed military reinforcements and carried out a widespread presence in Nour Square and the surrounding streets. Today's clashes resulted in 226 injuries among civilians and military personnel. The agency added that the Red Cross confirmed that 35 injured individuals were transported to city hospitals, some in critical condition, while 67 were treated on-site. Additionally, emergency and relief teams reported that they aided 93 people on the ground and transported 31 injured individuals to city hospitals.

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