
The Impact of Smart Devices on Children's Mental Health

The Impact of Smart Devices on Children's Mental Health

A recent medical study revealed the effects of the long time children spend in front of smart device screens on their health and happiness. Researchers from the University of South Australia announced that children who engage in sports, take music lessons, or spend time with friends after school are happier and healthier compared to those who remain glued to smart device screens. The study, published in BMC Pediatrics, included over 62,000 children aged 4 to 9 years, according to UPI news agency.

The study, overseen by researcher Rosa Vergara, concluded that children who played video games, watched television, and used social media after school had poorer health compared to those who engaged in physical and artistic activities. The study also indicated, through opinion surveys distributed to children's parents, that participating in activities other than spending hours on smart devices contributed to increased levels of optimism, happiness, and life satisfaction, as these children were better able to manage their emotions.

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