Is Egypt at Risk of the Deadly

U.S. health authorities have announced the discovery of a bacterium causing a rare tropical disease found in soil and water, identified in Mississippi on the property of a man infected with melioidosis. Melioidosis is a rare and sometimes fatal disease. In this context, Dr. Islam Elnan, an Egyptian professor of pharmacoeconomics and epidemiology, stated that the type of bacterium is Burkholderia pseudomallei, emphasizing that "rhabdos" disease is not new but rather an old condition. He noted in a statement to "Cairo 24" that the disease does not occur in our region, but is endemic to Central Asia and tropical areas, although cases have appeared in Mississippi. This is not the first time, as it has previously emerged in America due to travel-related cases. The epidemiology professor pointed out that the appearance of the disease does not cause concern as it emerges every year, noting that symptoms primarily affect immunocompromised patients. Elnan explained that the symptoms of the disease include fever, joint pain, and body aches, and in severe cases, pneumonia and sepsis may occur. Julia Petras from the Centers for Disease Control, who supervised the investigation, stated that once the bacteria reach the soil, they can pose a health threat to people in the area.

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