Two new songs by artist Abdullah Al-Ruwaished exceeded two million views on the global video platform YouTube within three days of their official release. The ambassador of Gulf music surprised his audience with a unique youthful appearance coinciding with the release of "Ma Tadri" and "Kil Ma Ghaft Aini," creating a distinctive presence in the artistic scene. Both songs were filmed as music videos and released simultaneously across various platforms.
Al-Ruwaished actively engaged with the reactions on Twitter, replying to his followers and colleagues in the music industry, especially those who congratulated him on the huge success of the songs. He announced the release of the music video for "Ma Tadri," directed by Bassam Turk, with music by Abdulqader Al-Hudhud and lyrics by Ahmed Al-San’a. Additionally, he shared details about "Kil Ma Ghaft Aini," composed by Al-Hudhud and with lyrics by poet Fahd Al-Aiban. Al-Ruwaished aimed to excite his audience by sharing clips from both songs and congratulated composer Abdulqader Al-Hudhud on their success, playfully saying, "Congratulations in advance on the success of the two songs."