White House Issues Statement on Biden's Health

The White House released a statement revealing new details about the health status of President Joe Biden, who has contracted COVID-19. Kevin O'Connor, President Biden's physician, provided an update on the President's condition a day after announcing his COVID-19 positive status.

The White House, in a statement posted on Twitter, said, "President Biden completed his first day of taking Paxlovid, and his symptoms have improved." Paxlovid is a medication produced by Pfizer for treating COVID-19 patients.

The statement added that Biden's temperature reached 99.4 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday evening, which responded positively to acetaminophen (TYLENOL), and his temperature has remained normal since then. It mentioned that his symptoms include a runny nose, fatigue, and occasional cough, noting that the President will continue to take Paxlovid.

It also clarified that vital signs, including Biden's pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and blood oxygen saturation, remain "entirely normal."

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