Egyptian media personality Mona El Shazly reminisced about her moments with the late media figure Wael El Abrashy and shared his last message to her before his passing on her Facebook account. She said: "This was the last message from my dear friend Wael El Abrashy a few weeks ago. I still keep rereading all the exchanged messages between us, recalling all the moments we shared, the cup of coffee that brought us together in the studio before going on air, and the serious and light-hearted discussions... My constant line to him (You are very patient, Wael) and his constant line to me (Oh Princess). Amidst the shock and sadness... death is our fate... Indeed, we belong to Allah and to Him, we shall return."
El Abrashy’s message read: "Mona, thank you very much for your concern. I am confident in your sincere feelings. I am doing well, thank God, just a few minor things I am doing for physical therapy. Your prayers for my complete recovery are appreciated. May God protect you and your whole family."