
Title: Man Arrested for Shooting Son's Ex-Wife Over Divorce Demands

Title: Man Arrested for Shooting Son's Ex-Wife Over Divorce Demands

The Perovsky Court in Moscow has detained a man arrested on September 22 on suspicion of murdering a woman at the entrance of a high-rise building in Moscow. According to the Russian news agency TASS, the court has set November 21 as the trial date for the 66-year-old Nikolai Golubev, a Moscow resident. The man is accused of killing his son’s ex-wife.

Earlier, Russian media reported that on Tuesday evening, a woman's body with gunshot wounds was found at the entrance of a residential building located on Vladimirskaya Street. The investigation revealed that the woman was shot by her former father-in-law due to divorce proceedings and disputes over property between the victim and the accused's son. During interrogation, the detainee claimed that he did not kill the woman but only intended to intimidate her.

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