Biden Jokingly: I Will Ask Trump for Help!

U.S. President Joe Biden mocked former President Donald Trump, saying that when he needs to "get rid of government documents in the toilet," he asks Trump for help. During an interview, television host Jimmy Kimmel jokingly asked President Biden what kind of restroom he turns to when he urgently needs to dispose of important papers: personal ones or those in his office at the White House. Biden humorously responded, "I ask Trump for help." He added, "In fact, I don’t dispose of anything concerning sensitive documents."

In this response, President Biden clearly referred to a New York Times article that stated former President Trump personally and regularly flushed some documents down the White House toilet during his presidency. It was alleged that during his time in office, Trump violated the law on presidential record-keeping multiple times, which mandates that the President of the United States must retain written documents related to official duties. Meanwhile, White House staff found documents in the toilet on several occasions, which it is claimed Trump attempted to dispose of.

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