
Indonesia Cancels Hajj Trips for Its Citizens Again This Year Due to COVID-19

Indonesia Cancels Hajj Trips for Its Citizens Again This Year Due to COVID-19

The Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs announced on Thursday that the country has canceled Hajj trips for its citizens for the second consecutive year due to concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Minister Yaqut Khalil Qoumas stated in a statement, "Due to the pandemic, and for the safety of the pilgrims, the government has decided that it will not allow Indonesians to go (to perform the obligation) this year." Yaqut added that Saudi Arabia has not opened Hajj trips. He said, "It is not just Indonesia... no country has received its quota because the memorandum of understanding has not been signed," explaining that those who have paid the fees will perform the pilgrimage next year. Saudi news agency reported on Saturday that the Kingdom lifted a ban on travelers coming from 11 countries after imposing it to limit the spread of the coronavirus, but quarantine measures are still in place. Before the pandemic imposed social distancing measures, about 2.5 million Muslims performed Hajj annually, in addition to those performing Umrah throughout the year. Official data indicates that this brought Saudi Arabia an estimated income of about $12 billion annually.

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