
French Ambassador: The Lebanese Have the Right to Truth

French Ambassador: The Lebanese Have the Right to Truth

French Ambassador Anne Grillo tweeted: "Two years have passed, but the pain still wrings the hearts. Today, I think of the victims we will not forget, and I think of their relatives, the firefighters, the paramedics, and all those who rushed to help that day. We bow before their bravery. The investigation must be pursued independently and impartially, without obstacles and with the full support of the Lebanese authorities. A country and its people cannot be rebuilt without justice. The Lebanese have the right to the truth."

She added: "France is committed to standing by Lebanon and fulfilling its promises. As President Macron announced on August 4, 2021, France has provided more than 100 million euros to support the people of Lebanon in education, health, and food assistance. The Lebanese Red Cross is one of our partners."

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