
Dating Apps: A New American Plan to Encourage Vaccination

Dating Apps: A New American Plan to Encourage Vaccination

The Biden administration has announced a new plan to encourage more hesitant individuals to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The New York Times reported that despite requiring a degree of embarrassment, the Biden administration has unveiled a strategy to encourage vaccination by urging popular dating apps to promote singles by adding a feature that displays "vaccination status." This feature would make it easier for those who indicate they have been vaccinated to connect with a larger number of other singles on the app.

Andy Slavitt, one of President Biden's senior advisors on the coronavirus, boldly stated during a virtual press conference for reporters, "We have finally found the one thing that makes us all more attractive: vaccination." The article stated that the administration is rolling out numerous initiatives to encourage vaccinations in order to fulfill Biden's pledge for a "mask-free summer," even enlisting celebrities like Ryan Seacrest and Eva Longoria to spread the message.

Slavitt also mentioned, as did Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government's top infectious disease expert, that according to the dating site OkCupid, individuals who display their vaccination status are 14% more likely to get a match with someone who shares their interests. He added, "Seriously, people care about other things in life besides their vaccine." The administration has turned to "dating apps" to sway the hesitant to get vaccinated.

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