
Visit of the Minister of Agriculture to the Port of Sète in France

Visit of the Minister of Agriculture to the Port of Sète in France

The Minister of Agriculture in the caretaker government, Abbas Al-Hajj Hassan, accompanied by his advisor Salim Darwish and his chief of staff Ahmed Ramadan, visited the Port of Sète in southern France. They were welcomed by the port president, former minister Jean-Claude Gaissot, along with senior officials. The visit included a tour of the port's sections, particularly those related to agriculture and the silos for wheat and grains, where they observed the latest technologies used for the transport and storage of grains, as well as the agricultural and veterinary quarantine services provided by the port and the modern technologies employed. Al-Hajj Hassan also visited the Rhône-Méditerranée Water Agency, where he and his delegation listened to a presentation from the agency's director on their experience in the management and governance of the water sector and related projects. Al-Hajj Hassan provided a brief overview of the agricultural sector's challenges, particularly regarding the difficulty in securing proper irrigation for crops and the high cost of fuel. He also discussed the ministry's efforts to secure renewable energy for irrigation operations and welcomed collaboration with the agency on projects that align with the ministry's goals.

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