Arab World

Sudan: Members of the Sovereignty Council Take the Oath

Sudan: Members of the Sovereignty Council Take the Oath

Under the title "Members of the Sovereignty Council Take the Oath... and Information about the New Members," the Al Arabiya website reported on the situation in Sudan. The site highlighted that following the unexpected announcement last night about the formation of a new Sovereignty Council consisting of 14 members, informed sources told Al Arabiya/Al Hadath that the new members will take the oath today, Friday, before the head of the Sovereignty Council and the acting Chief Justice. A procedural session will convene after that. The sources indicated that the name of the Prime Minister, Hind Abu Kaddouf, is expected to be approved in a later session. All council members agreed to take their positions in a meeting that included them all prior to the official announcement last night, including the three members of the Revolutionary Front.

**New Members**

Here is some information about some of the new members of the council:

- Salma Abdel Jabbar, born in 1974 in the Al-Jazirah state, holds a Ph.D. in environmental science and has worked as a teaching assistant at Al-Nasr Technical College. She also served as a member of the Islamic Fiqh Academy’s Personal Status Fatwas Committee.

- Abu al-Qasim Muhammad Muhammad Ahmed (Bertoum) is from the Northern state, born in 1964, and holds a Master's degree in economics.

- Youssef Jad Karim Muhammad Ali Youssef hails from West Kordofan, Abu Zubaydah, born in 1947 and holds a Bachelor's degree in law from the University of Khartoum (1972). He has worked in the judiciary in several positions, including the High National Court in Khartoum.

- Abd al-Baqi Abdul Qadir al-Zubair Abdul Qadir, born in 1970 in Khartoum, holds a Bachelor's degree in dentistry from the University of Khartoum and has worked as an associate professor at Al-Fajr Technical College.

**Leadership Details**

In addition to the aforementioned members, the council includes Lieutenant General Shams al-Din Kabbashi Ibrahim, Brigadier General Yasser Abdul Rahman Hassan Al-Atta, Engineer Consultant Ibrahim Jaber Ibrahim, Malik Agar, Al-Tahir Abu Bakr Hajar, and Al-Hadi Idris Yahya, as well as Rja Nikola Abd al-Masih. Notably, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan serves as the head, while Lieutenant General Muhammad Hamdan Daglo (nicknamed Hemeti) is the deputy head.

It is worth noting that Al-Burhan’s announcement of the new Sovereignty Council raised concerns among several Western countries due to the exclusion of representatives from the Forces of Freedom and Change. UN spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric described those developments as "extremely concerning" yesterday, stating that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres wants to see a return to the transitional phase as soon as possible. The UN also called for the release of ousted Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok and several other political leaders detained since October 25, following the announcement by the armed forces to dissolve the government and the previous council, impose a state of emergency, and suspend some provisions of the constitutional document.

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