
Fires Renew in the Port... Army Takes Precautions Around the Silos

Fires Renew in the Port... Army Takes Precautions Around the Silos

Fires continue to burn at the silos, and there are some cracks in the part that is at risk of collapsing, amid fears of another collapse. Notably, people are heading to work as it is an ordinary working day, and operations at the Port of Beirut began early as usual. No one can confirm when the silos will collapse, but the civil defense and the fire brigade are fully prepared, and the army has taken precautions around the silos.

Environment Minister in the caretaker government, Nasser Yassin, stated: "Last night, there was a rapid movement indicating the bending of the grain silos, and there is ongoing coordination between the disaster management committee." He added in an interview with Voice of Lebanon: "We remind everyone of the precautions to be taken at the moment of the silos' collapse, the most important of which is to wear masks for hours."

For his part, the head of the Association of Logistics Warehouse Investors in the Port of Beirut, Nabil Fayeq Khoury, explained that "the dust does not affect the metal containers since they are tightly sealed, but high temperatures and humidity create a type of dampness that can lead to mold growth."

Similarly, the head of the Association of Food Importers, Hani Bahsali, pointed out that "the collapse of parts of the silos has not affected the goods in the containers as they are tightly sealed, and the goods inside refrigerators are preserved. However, the issue lies in the cost of refrigeration, and all goods entering the port are subject to laboratory analysis."

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