Arab World

Title: Video: Ismailia Slaughterer Listens to His Death Sentence and Says: "Thank God"

Title: Video: Ismailia Slaughterer Listens to His Death Sentence and Says:

A video circulated on social media, especially on YouTube, on Wednesday showing the moment the "Ismailia Criminal Court" pronounced the death sentence by hanging on the accused, Abdul Rahman Nazmi, known as "Dbour" or the "Ismailia Slaughterer." This came after he committed the murder of a citizen in the city on November 1 last year, after which he decapitated the victim and displayed the head in one of the streets.

In the video, Dbour appeared calm during the hearing of his maximum punishment, remaining unaffected by what he heard. However, Egyptian media reported that a source quoted him as saying, "Indeed, we belong to Allah and indeed to Him we return... Thank God," when he was taken back to his prison cell after the session.

The court had referred his case to the Grand Mufti of Egypt during the session on December 9 for a legal opinion on the death sentence. Afterward, Dbour sent a message to his mother and family announcing his regret over committing the crime, which shocked the feelings of Egyptians, particularly the residents of Ismailia Governorate.

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