
Title: Three Cases of Abuse Involving Women Stopped in Baghdad

Title: Three Cases of Abuse Involving Women Stopped in Baghdad

On Thursday, the Community Police Directorate of the Ministry of Interior announced the suspension of three cases of abuse against three women by their relatives in Baghdad. The directorate stated in a statement to Alsumaria News that "the community police teams in the Directorate of Relations and Media at the Ministry of Interior managed to stop three domestic violence incidents involving two elderly women and a woman with her children in three separate incidents in Baghdad."

It added that "one of the elderly women (100 years old) was subjected to abuse and expelled from her home, and the community police, in cooperation with a volunteer team, managed to place her in a state-run nursing home. Another elderly woman was returned to her family, and they pledged not to abuse her in the future, or they would face legal accountability, as one of her teenage nephews was abusing her with the knowledge of her relatives."

According to the community police, "its teams were able to return a woman and her children to their family home after her brother and husband had beaten her and forced her and her children out of the house. The community police took necessary actions against the abusers and promised to conduct regular visits to the assaulted women to check on their conditions and the ways to deal with them."

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