
Avoid Crossing Your Legs While Sitting

Avoid Crossing Your Legs While Sitting

Many people tend to sit with one leg crossed over the other, but this sitting position can actually have negative effects that may harm the body's health. Canadian orthopedic expert Brendon Talbot warns via his TikTok account that one should avoid crossing legs while sitting as it can put pressure on a major drainage area in the lower limbs. He explained, "All the blood from the lower limbs drains into the femoral vein (a large blood vessel in your thigh), which travels under the inguinal ligament (the thigh area)." Unnecessary pressure can lead to circulation problems and eventually contribute to vein diseases such as varicose veins.

Varicose veins occur when the tiny valves inside the veins of the legs stop functioning properly, causing blood to pool in the veins, making them swollen and painful. Increased pressure in the veins can also lead to skin becoming purple, dry, and flaky. In addition to being unsightly, if left untreated, complications such as bleeding, chronic venous insufficiency (where blood pressure rises due to the valves not functioning correctly, resulting in blood pooling where it struggles to return to the heart from the legs), and skin ulcers may occur.

Many people adopt this sitting position, whether consciously or spontaneously. Previous studies have suggested that crossing legs slightly raises blood pressure, as this position makes it difficult for blood to pump towards the heart and increases resistance in the opposite direction. Additionally, varicose veins are another reason that prevents people from crossing their legs, as it's noted that this action disrupts blood flow to the heart.

After warning against crossing legs, Brendon advised regular exercise to maintain vein health. He stated: "Engage in regular physical activity to keep your blood flowing in your veins. It doesn't have to be resistance training; it can be something simple like walking." He added that just walking for 30 minutes each day can help. He clarified: "Everything in the body relies on movement, down to the cellular level."

The expert also mentioned that maintaining a healthy weight is another way to keep veins healthy, explaining: "This reduces the risk of high blood pressure. High blood pressure can weaken the walls of blood vessels over time. This internal fat can exert pressure on adjacent vessels, limiting blood flow and increasing pressure on the veins." He noted that one should also avoid sitting or standing for long periods and should try to change positions regularly throughout the day.

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