
First Ever Text Message Sold: Here's How Much It Went For

First Ever Text Message Sold: Here's How Much It Went For

On December 3, 1992, the first text message was sent via a British telecommunications company using "NFT" technology. After many years, this message was sold yesterday at an auction for over $120,000.

British media reported that the buyer is Canadian, wished to remain anonymous, and works in the field of new technologies. He has become the exclusive owner of a unique digital version of the communication protocol through which the world's first SMS was sent.

The message contained 15 characters and read "Merry Christmas", sent in celebration of the Christmas holidays. It was received by Richard Jarvis, a collaborator with Vodafone at the time, who also works in new technologies. He has now become the exclusive owner of a unique digital copy of the communication protocol through which the first SMS in the world was sent.

Vodafone indicated that the auction proceeds would go to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, according to the Deutsche Welle newspaper. Christian Sack, head of the Private Sector Partnerships Service at the agency, stated: "Technology has always had the ability to innovate and change the world. Through this combination of leading technology and movement for social good, the agency can continue to help refugees and those forced to leave their homes, giving them the opportunity to change their lives and build a better future for themselves, their loved ones, and their communities."

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