
Workshop Transforms Waste into Life Essentials with Stunning Results in Russia

Workshop Transforms Waste into Life Essentials with Stunning Results in Russia

Workshop 99 is focused on recycling garbage and especially plastic materials, which it collects from sprawling trash mountains on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, Russia, and then transforms them into covers, bags, and other usable items.

Currently, the workshop produces a variety of products including bags, pencil holders, as well as skateboards and a bicycle designed using 3D printing technology.

Olesya Kulik told Euronews that the process of finding usable or wearable materials is complex and time-consuming. She added, "The preparation of the materials is more complicated than using regular materials, and preparation takes up most of our time because we need to clean them, make them uniform, and sift through some impurities."

Co-founder of Workshop 99, Anton Rikatchevski, explained, "Globally, humanity needs to solve the problem of waste, and there is no way to overcome it." Rikatchevski added, "We take something that seems like garbage. Now people call it recyclable materials, which is better. We make wonderful and exceptional things from materials that have not been used like this before."

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