
The Dual Stance of the Aounists Toward Bkerke

The Dual Stance of the Aounists Toward Bkerke

The position of the "Free Patriotic Movement" regarding the pursuit of the Patriarchal Deputy for Jerusalem and the occupied Palestinian territories, Bishop Moussa al-Haj, has raised eyebrows. On one hand, they defended al-Haj and his humanitarian mission amid the economic crisis, aligning with the stance of former Minister Suleiman Franjieh, the leader of the Marada Movement, who asserted from Diman that a fifth column is attempting to sabotage matters. On the other hand, there is a noticeable distance between Bkerke and Mirna Chalouhi, exacerbated by the presidential qualifications issued by Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi.

Those associated with the movement and its close allies analyze the situation, joining the chorus in condemning the arrest and expressing solidarity with the bishop, noting that his religious status is well known and was not respected during his investigation. They argue that everything is being presented as a "fabrication" aimed at inciting Christian public opinion against President Michel Aoun.

Some argue that the movement has joined the fray late, so to speak, after facing criticism, in an effort to avoid bearing any responsibility. Meanwhile, "Hezbollah" is diligently trying to distance itself from the issue due to other more pressing matters, as the country cannot endure another explosive issue at this time. The silence of its leadership and MPs could be considered "justified," given the sensitive nature of the dual issue for the party, from its relationship with its Christian allies to understanding the implications of the situation for them amidst the uproar.

Conversely, there is another perspective within the Free Patriotic Movement that expresses dissatisfaction with the Patriarch’s positions, particularly concerning several upcoming challenges, especially the next presidential elections, noting the lack of meetings between the two sides for quite some time. According to a source within the movement, the problem lies in the qualifications that Patriarch al-Rahi ascribes to any future president, as they undermine the element of strength that the president is expected to rely on. The president should have significant representation and a broad public base to govern effectively; otherwise, it seems the goal is for the presidency to revert to what it was before Aoun's term, which the Aounists assert will not be possible, as the era of gray presidents has irrevocably passed.

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