
Will a Tripartite Meeting Be Held and Agreement on Forming a Government?

Will a Tripartite Meeting Be Held and Agreement on Forming a Government?

Member of the Development and Liberation Bloc, MP Qassem Hashem, indicated that "what the Speaker of the Parliament Nabih Berri said is as clear as day that the Parliament still has enough time to approve the reforms demanded by the International Monetary Fund. According to the constitution, it does not turn into an electoral body until ten days before the constitutional deadline, which is before the end of the President's term." He stated in an interview with "Anbaa" electronic news: "Of course, there is room to hold sessions for this purpose, and it is necessary to convene them, as without reforms, Lebanon will not receive any of the required support."

Regarding the possibility of forming a government in the remaining time, Hashem did not rule out "holding a tripartite meeting that could lead to forming a government if the intentions are genuine. Lebanon, in his view, is a land of wonders and different scenarios, and it is possible to hold such a meeting and agree on forming a government. What is required, in his opinion, is to make concessions for Lebanon, and it is not impossible for that to happen." As for the demarcation of borders and Berri's insistence on the full Kanah field and the expected visit from Hochstein, Hashem confirmed "Berri's position and the necessity for Lebanon to insist on the full Kanah field, and on this basis, the demarcation negotiations will continue. This is Lebanon's right without any reduction, expecting that Hochstein will bring with him the proposal he reached with Israel, and based on it, Lebanon will decide either to resume the demarcation negotiations or to refrain from participating until the Israeli side recognizes Lebanon's rights to the full Kanah field."

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