Arab World

Injured in Clashes Near the Home of Lebanon's Interior Minister

Injured in Clashes Near the Home of Lebanon's Interior Minister

The families of the victims of the Beirut port explosion continue their angry protests, coinciding with a campaign demanding the lifting of immunities on political and security officials. A group of families from the port victims headed to the home of the Lebanese caretaker Interior Minister, Mohammed Fahmy, where a demonstration featuring "coffins" symbolizing the victims of the explosion, who lost their lives due to "corruption and the indifference of the authorities," took place. Fahmy had refused on Friday to grant permission to prosecute the Director General of General Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, in relation to the Beirut port explosion, which provoked public anger. The furious protesters shouted slogans denouncing the actions of the authorities and Minister Fahmy in front of his home, leading to a series of clashes with security forces as families insisted on storming the minister's house. Some indicated that they "want him to feel the pain and loss as they did when they were displaced from their homes and their children were killed." Additionally, a number of families managed to enter Minister Fahmy's home, while several protesters were injured due to clashes with security forces, intensifying the anger among the demonstrators. A correspondent for the newspaper "An-Nahar" confirmed that 4 protesters were injured during the clashes outside Fahmy's residence. Observers see Fahmy's refusal to prosecute the General Security Director as a clear indication that the political class will not lift immunities for political or security officials to continue investigations and allegations.

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