
Former White House Advisor Calls Trump to Resign and Play Golf

Former White House Advisor Calls Trump to Resign and Play Golf

As President Donald Trump continues to refuse to acknowledge the victory of his Democratic rival Joe Biden in the presidential elections, former White House National Security Advisor John Bolton stated that Trump should either resign from his position or spend the remaining 12 days of his term playing golf.

Bolton said, "I think he should resign, but that's not going to happen at all," noting that he does not expect those advocating for the implementation of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution or for impeachment to prove that either approach would be better for the country than leaving things as they are during Trump's remaining 12 days in office. The former White House official, who recently published a book criticizing the current president, continued: "I think we would all be better off if he took flight number one and went to Florida to spend those 12 days playing golf."

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