
European Country Fears Ukrainian Scenario and Abandons "NATO Dream"

European Country Fears Ukrainian Scenario and Abandons

Finland hinted that it would not dare to apply for NATO membership, fearing anger from Russia. Finnish President Sauli Niinistö predicted that Finland could face massive cyberattacks and even a military response from the Russian army if it sought to join NATO, according to the British newspaper "Daily Mail." Moscow has warned Helsinki against provoking it on this matter, mentioning dire military consequences. The two countries share a border that stretches over 1,330 kilometers.

Niinistö stated that Moscow could send a substantial military force to his country's territory, destabilizing it, or attack it via the internet should it request to join the military alliance. These remarks come at a time when opinion polls show the majority of the population supports joining NATO, despite Russian threats. A poll conducted earlier in March indicated that 62% of Finns are in favor of NATO membership, up from 53% when the war in Ukraine began on February 24.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned Finland and Sweden of "serious military consequences" if they attempt to join the alliance. She said, "Finland and Sweden should not build their security at the expense of the security of other countries."

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