Strange Request from Trump to Putin Regarding Biden

In the midst of the ongoing war in Ukraine, former U.S. President Donald Trump made what seemed strange to some by asking Russian President Vladimir Putin for something unrelated to the course of the war. In an interview published on Tuesday, Trump urged Putin to release any "damaging information" he has regarding the family of current U.S. President Joe Biden. Trump referenced allegations concerning business dealings by Hunter Biden, the president's son, to the website "JustTheNews."

Trump demanded that Putin disclose any information he might possess on this matter, stating: "I think Putin knows the answer to that," referring to Hunter Biden's potential dealings with Russia. He added: "I think he should publish it, and we should know that answer."

American news network CNN criticized Trump's remarks, claiming he aims to achieve domestic goals with assistance from America's biggest adversaries. They noted it as another example of Trump's willingness to solicit foreign powers for personal interests, even from Putin, who is currently leading the war in Ukraine.

Hunter Biden had received payments for his consulting work from countries such as Ukraine and China while his father was vice president. The U.S. Department of Justice is conducting a criminal investigation into these dealings, but no evidence has yet emerged indicating that Biden is involved in corruption affecting U.S. foreign policy. The current investigation does not involve President Biden himself, focusing solely on his son, who has denied any wrongdoing.

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