COVID-19 Exceeds 89.6 Million Cases

As the COVID-19 virus spreads in countries around the world, the total number of confirmed cases globally has surpassed the 89 million mark, while the number of deaths has exceeded 1.9 million.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the total number of COVID-19 cases in the world since the beginning of the pandemic, as of Sunday, reached 89,630,087, with the death toll rising to 1,926,544, and more than 63 million people have recovered.

The United States leads the list of the most affected countries in terms of both the number of cases and deaths, with a total of 22,132,396 cases and 372,428 deaths. India ranks second globally in terms of COVID-19 infections, with confirmed cases rising to 10,450,284 and deaths reaching 150,999.

Brazil is the third country in the world in terms of total cases and second in terms of deaths, recording 8,075,998 infections and a total of 202,631 deaths.

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