In a strange incident, a British girl has shared images of severe marks and blood, allegedly inflicted by her boyfriend, Manchester United star Mason Greenwood, who is considered one of the top rising talents in the world. Harriet Robson, the British girl, suddenly posted a series of photos and videos on her Instagram account, accusing her boyfriend of assault.
The social media influencer shared multiple images and audio recordings on Instagram, including a graphic clip showing severe bleeding from her lip and several bruises on her face, body, and thighs. In one video, while blood flows from her mouth, Robson said, "For anyone who wants to know what Mason Greenwood does to me." Additionally, an audio file was uploaded to her story, depicting a graphic scene with a female voice on a call with a male voice. She referred to Greenwood, who is under 20 years old, as "the devil."
Manchester United released a statement regarding the shocking incident, saying the club is "aware of the photos and allegations circulating on Sunday. The club will not comment until all facts are established." This shocking incident could potentially end Greenwood's career forever, as he was one of the most prominent young stars on the global stage.