
Alpha and Touch Employees Announce Strike!

Alpha and Touch Employees Announce Strike!

The union of employees and workers for the companies operating in the mobile telecom sector in Lebanon has declared a strike until the issue with the salary values is corrected. In a message addressed to employees, the union stated: "After two weeks of consultations and discussions held by the union with the management of both Alpha and Touch regarding the correction of the discrepancies in actual salary values in line with the current realities of companies' material changes compared to the decline in employees' purchasing power, the managements of both companies held a meeting today with the Ministry of Communications for this purpose, where we were informed of Alpha's proposal, while Touch has not provided us with any new proposal to date."

It added: "As a union, we consider that the proposal currently presented does not meet the minimum required to restore balance to the actual salary values, and it is a proposal we previously rejected when it was put forward by Touch's management. Therefore, the union has decided to announce a strike at all centers and branches of the mobile companies Alpha and Touch. The union is open to all good efforts aimed at finding suitable solutions, particularly what is being done by the Parliamentary Media and Communications Committee." The union keeps its meetings open to follow up on developments.

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