Mobile Phones Increase Risk of Alzheimer's Disease!

A new study suggests that the electromagnetic fields emitted by our mobile phones may be responsible for the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. According to recent research from Washington State University, the radiation from smart technology leads to increased calcium accumulation within the cells in animal brains. While calcium is beneficial for bones, it appears to enhance the chances of developing Alzheimer's. Study author Martin Pall states, "Electromagnetic fields work through magnetic forces fluctuating on a nanosecond timescale." These electromagnetic fields can be found in mobile phones, smart meters, smart cities, and radar in self-driving vehicles. Any of these may result in early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Pall also noted that over the past twenty years, Alzheimer's has begun to affect individuals in their thirties and forties. This rise in digital dementia coincides with the increased prevalence of electromagnetic radiation through wireless communication, according to "Mandatory."

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